Air/Wood Element Breath – Gather and Focus

Visualization – Release from the constructs around you, create a sense of freedom to start the practice. Bring focus to your breath and body. Start at the base of the spine and flow upward, be aware of the air in your body.

Exercise – Front / Back series (Center, Lower, Upper)

Center – Standing feet apart.  Hands at side chamber position. Breathe in, hands move forward. Breathe out, come back to chamber.

Lower – Standing feet apart.  Hands at side chamber position. Breathe in, hands move down. Breathe out, come back to chamber.

Upper – Standing feet apart.  Hands at side chamber position. Breathe in, hands move up. Breathe out, come back to chamber.

Feel your connection to the exercise, concentrate on your breathing and how your body reacts.

Earth Element Breath – Center and Stack

Visualization – Nurture your system. Bring your focus to your “one point” (Solar Plexus – the center of your body) then move your focus outward becoming aware of the solid parts of your body (Bone, Muscles, Skin).  Stack the vertebrae one on top of the other.

Exercise – Mountain series (Mountain, Hold the Tree, Hold up the Sky)

Mountain – Standing feet apart.  Hands at relaxed at your sides. Breathe in, breathe out.

Hold the Tree – Standing feet apart.  Hands rise up in front; arms form a circle like you’re holding a tree. Breathe in, breathe out.

Hold up the Sky – Standing feet apart.  Hands form fists and rise above your head, come up on the balls of your feet and settle back down. Open your hands, palms up to support the sky. Breathe in, breathe out. Hands move down to your sides.

Feel your connection to the earth. Center your body and mind on the exercise.

Water Element Breath – Relax

Visualization – Relax into the breath; allow your muscles and focus to calm. Feel the fluidity and purification of the breath. Start from your heart and move outward becoming aware of the liquid parts of your body.

Exercise – Door series (Open, Close, Close and Open)

Open the Door – Standing feet apart. Hands at side chamber position. Breathe in, hands push forward. Breathe out, with straight arms, hands push the doors open to the sides. Bend arms and bring hands back to chamber.

Close the Door – Standing feet apart. Hands at side chamber position. Breathe in, hands push out to the side. Breathe out, with straight arms, hands push the doors closed to the front. Bend arms and bring hands back to chamber.

Close and Open the Door – Standing feet apart. Arms extended out to the sides, palms forward. Breathe in, push the doors closed to the front. Rotate hands to palms out, breathe out, with straight arms, push the doors open to the sides.

Feel your connection to movement, your arms flow through the motions.

Fire Element Breath – Extend

Visualization – Extend your focus beyond your body. Feel your connection to the room, other students, and beyond. Bring enthusiasm to your practice, feel the sense of transmutation and change to come. Start from your throat and flow outward becoming aware of the heat within your body. Be careful to let it radiate out and not rest in your head.

Exercise – Crossing or Twisting series (Lower, Middle, Upper)

Lower – Standing feet apart. Hands at side chamber position. Breathe in, twisting through the torso, reach right hand down to left foot. Breathe out, return to chamber. Repeat left side.

Middle – Standing feet apart. Hands in front of your body, arms crossed at the wrist. Breathe in, twisting through the torso, turn towards the outer hand. Breathe out, switch hands, return to center. Repeat other side.

Upper – Standing feet apart.  Right hand beside your neck on the left, left hand at right waist, palms up. Breathe in, twisting through the torso, turn to the right. Breathe out, return to center. Palms rotate down, circle hands to bring the left beside your neck and the right to your waist. Repeat left side.

Feel the connection between right and left, up and down.

Metal/Ether Element Breath – Sink and Connect

Visualization – Let the feelings sink into your system. Notice the sense of peace, unity, and stillness from the breathing exercises. Start from the crown of your head and forehead becoming aware of the empty spaces in your body and mind as they are connected into every part of yourself.

Exercise – Up/Down series (Up/Down, Extended Up/Down, Gathering)

Up/Down – Standing feet apart, hands relaxed at your sides. Form gentle fists, breathe in, hands come up in front of the body, rise up onto the balls of your feet. Breathe out, open hands, hands float down as heels settle back.

Extended Up/Down – Standing feet apart, hands relaxed at your sides. Form gentle fists, breathe in, hands come up in front of the body to above your head, rise up onto the balls of your feet. Breathe out, open hands, hands float down as heels settle back.

Gathering – Standing feet apart, hands relaxed at your sides. Breathe in arms circle up. Breathe out, hands float down to ready position.

Feel the energy from the space around you sinking into your body, ready to work.

This is provided as a supplement to the Enso Center Yoga Curriculum. You are responsible for your own safety while stretching. Please be careful. Do not over flex or over extend. Go slowly and do not do any stretch that causes you pain or discomfort.

Pranayama (Breathing Excercises) Intro

Enso Center Elemental Yoga Program