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Media Mentions
Modern Masters of the Martial Arts

Master Jason Mix and Susan Mix were honored by their inclusion in Modern Masters of the Martial Arts
Action Martial Arts Magazine Lifetime Achievement Award

Jason was honored by the Action Martial Arts Magazine with a lifetime achievement award in 2018
Rachel L.
At Enso Center, I have been able to incorporate my other interests seamlessly into Hapkido. When I wanted to learn to do an aerial, Jason figured out how to teach me and to turn it into a martial arts technique.
I never could have become the person I am today without Jason and Susan's support. I've learned so much in my 20 years at Enso and I can't wait to see how my next 20 years at Enso Center unfolds.
Jacqui S.
In many ways, I grew up at Enso Center and for that I feel very fortunate. Not only did I learn martial arts and full body movement, I also learned to be more self aware, empathetic, and confident in myself and my abilities. My love of teaching is in large part due to the wonderful instruction and mentorship of Jason, and my ability to work with people of all ages and abilities a direct result. No matter where I live or what path I choose, Enso Center will always be my second family. 100 words is not enough to express my gratitude.
Max L.
After a knee injury (and surgery) that made me think I could never really train again, I became a student at Enso Center. The whole Mix family had integrated their training with the life so that one expressed the other. They serve as a profound example of an elegant life, imbued wit harmony, loyalty and dedication. They helped me become a strong person again, inside and out.
Glenn A.
Enso Center has fundamentally changed the way I see and act in the world for the better. Learning to strengthen my body and mind here has been a cornerstone of who I am. I owe a lot of my best character traits to the training I have been given here. The lessons learned and people I've met are unforgettable and priceless. This place has brought me so much joy.
Rebekah L.
Through my many years of learning and practicing Hapkido, I've learned something new every time. I learned how to become a better teacher, to be accomodating and most importantly, that no matter how small you are, you can make a great impact.
Star S.
When I look back at my time at Enso Center, I always wish that I had started taking lessons sooner. Jason and Susan are some of the most amazing people I know and I feel like I've learned from them not just martial art but how to be a much more patient, courteous and just better person. They've created a wonderful caring and supportive community and I'm proud to be a part of it.
Dan L.
I started practicing martial arts with the Mix family more than 35 years ago. Jason and Susan have drawn on their boundless curiosity with open minds and compassionate hearts, they have pursued deep understanding and humane application of martial arts. I have always felt challenged, welcomed and appreciated.
Alex A.
I have met so many unforgettable people, learned so much about the world and myself and advanced physically and emotionally. I am stronger, faster, smarter, kinder, more aware and so much more. I am blessed to be a part of this community and cannot express the depth of my gratitude and joy.
Allison A.
These past 10 years have taught me infinitely more than I could have ever thought. As a 12 year old, I expected to learn self defense. And I did. But I also learned what a marital art truly is. It is an understanding of the world around you, a sense of community and an understanding of yourself. You have created an amazing place and I truly cannot thank you enough for making me the person I am today.
Anthony K.
Enso Center has been a part of my life for 12 years now and you have inspired, taught and encouraged me during every second of it. Having a dedicated community to turn to during thick and thin has helped me astronomically. I love my Enso family.
Daniel M.
Being at Enso Center has affected my life in ways I didn't expect when I first joined. Ever since I started training, I have been more relaxed and have more self control than I ever thought I would have. I also have a source of physical activity that I enjoy immensely. You are some of the nicest and most helpful people I know and I will always enjoy working with you.
Zach D.
Thank you for so many years of fantastic instruction. I have learned so much more than martial arts in the studio. I'll carry your lessons with me for the rest of my life.
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John K.
I've been studying martial arts for a long time from many instructors, but have learned more from the Mix family than all the rest combined. Thank you for being my teachers.
Dominik C.
Thanks for all the great classes, memories and of course throws. 🙂 I have never enjoyed something as fun and something I really wanted to become really good at before. I love all the throws, patterns and everything else about this.
Andy R.
Thank you for opening my experience to new part of martial arts and new ways of thought. This is adding a whole new dimension to my previous training.
Tim L.
I feel very lucky to be here, like I've won some kind of martial arts school lottery. Enso's martial arts is something special, something amazing.
This is a truly exceptional community they've built; a kind of extended family based on compassion, learning, respect and joy (with some sweat thrown in there too).
Galina L.
I started martial arts about 13 years ago and it has always been much more than just a hobby for me. It helped shape who I am today. What the Mix family created is much more than a martial arts studio. It is a place to meet amazing and like minded people. A place to achieve goals. A place to be proud of yourself for what you accomplished. A place for inspiration, joy and self cultivation.
Chuck D.
It is my belief that martial arts taught at Enso Center are of the highest quality. They have spent years working on their technique and refining it. This is reflected by their high rank, but also by their increasing sharing of knowledge over time that make their students better. They still get excited about new ideas and distinctions. I think it's remarkable and a tribute to their dedication to their craft.
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