Air/Wood Element Breath – Gather and Focus

Visualization – Release from the constructs around you, create a sense of freedom to start the practice. Bring focus to your breath and body. Start at the base of the spine and flow upward, be aware of the air in your body.

Primary – Standing feet together. Thumbs and forefingers touch, breathe in as arms circle up then breathe out bringing hands into mountain stance. Drop right hand to form a cup at belly level, use left thumb, ring, and pinky fingers to close nostrils, curl the other fingers into the palm. Belly breathing for a 4 count; in through the left nostril; hold; out through the right nostril; hold, in through the right; hold; out through the left. Hands meet in the center, rotate, and move up (breathe in) and out (breathe out). Relax hands to the side, palms forward.

Bring your focus back to the base of your spine.

Secondary – Front / Back series (Center, Lower, Upper)

Earth Element Breath – Center and Stack

Visualization – Nurture your system. Bring your focus to your “one point” (Solar Plexus – the center of your body) then move your focus outward becoming aware of the solid parts of your body (Bone, Muscles, Skin).  Stack the vertebrae one on top of the other.

Primary – Standing feet apart. Belly breathing in for a 4 count through the nose and out for an 8 count through the mouth. Thumbs and forefingers touch, breathe in hands move up and then breathe out forward into gazing at the moon posture. Breathe in hands move down to the one point, then breathe out relax your hands to the side, palms back.

Bring your focus back to your solar plexus.

Secondary – Mountain series (Mountain, Hold the Tree, Hands to Sky)

Water Element Breath – Relax

Visualization – Relax into the breath; allow your muscles and focus to calm. Feel the fluidity and purification of the breath. Start from your heart and move outward becoming aware of the liquid parts of your body.

Primary – Standing feet together. Belly breathing in for a 4 count through the nose and out for a 6 count through the mouth. Thumbs and forefingers touch, grasp right thumb with left hand, left hand with right hand. Breathe in hands move up and then breathe out forward into Nae Ki posture. Breathe in hands move down to the one point, then breathe out relax your hands to the side, palms forward.

Bring your focus back to your heart.

Secondary – Door series (Open, Close, Close and Open)

Fire Element Breath – Extend

Visualization – Extend your focus beyond your body. Feel your connection to the room, other students, and beyond. Bring enthusiasm to your practice, feel the sense of transmutation and change to come. Start from your throat and flow outward becoming aware of the heat within your body. Be careful to let it radiate out and not rest in your head.

Primary – Standing feet apart. Thumbs and forefingers touch, breathe in for a 4 count through the nose, hands move up to throat level, separate, and breathe out for a 4 count through the nose, float down and relax to the side, palms back. Relax the Middle Bandha (Diaphragm), deep belly breath in, then 24 short, sharp breaths out, pushing the navel to the spine and allowing the inhale to happen automatically. Tighten the Lower (Pelvic Floor) and Middle (Diaphragm) Bandhas, raise the chin and take a deep breath into the chest. Tighten the Upper (Throat) Bandha, bring chin to chest and chest to spine, hold for a 24 count. Release.

Bring your focus back to your Throat.

Secondary – Crossing or Twisting series (Lower, Middle, Upper)

Metal/Ether Element Breath – Sink and Connect

Visualization – Let the feelings sink into your system. Notice the sense of peace, unity, and stillness from the breathing exercises. Start from the crown of your head and forehead becoming aware of the empty spaces in your body and mind as they are connected into every part of yourself.

Primary – Standing feet together. Thumbs and forefingers touch, cross hands, right over left, right thumb behind left thumb. Bring your hands to your navel. Breathe in for 4 count and hold for a 12 count, pressing navel to spine. Release. Step out to the right, breathe in for a 4 count while arms circle out and up in front, hands form fists at throat level, and hold for a 12 count, pressing the 3 Bandhas (Pelvic floor, Diaphragm, Throat) together. Release, lower hands to the side, palms forward.

Bring your focus back to your forehead and crown.

Secondary – Up / Down series (Up / Down, Extended, Gathering)

Repeat Air Element Breath – Gather and Focus to complete the series

This is provided as a supplement to the Enso Center Yoga Curriculum. You are responsible for your own safety while stretching. Please be careful. Do not over flex or over extend. Go slowly and do not do any stretch that causes you pain or discomfort.

Pranayama (Breathing Excercises) Intro

Enso Center Elemental Yoga Program