What is Pranayama?
The art of Pranayama goes beyond the simple awareness of breathing, and uses specific rhythms and techniques to bring mental, emotional, and physical benefits during yoga.

What are the benefits of Guided Pranayama?

  • Calming the mind, reducing worries, anxieties, and stress
  • Improving focus and attention, reducing brain fog
  • Increasing energy, bringing enthusiasm and positivity
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Rejuvenating the body and mind, muscle relaxation
  • Lowering and stabilizing blood pressure

What do I need to know about deep breathing?
Deep breathing or yogic breathing is the voluntary regulation of breath by actively and consciously using the diaphragm to increase inflow and outflow, extending and slowing the breath cycle.  Exercises may focus on belly breathing, rib cage expansion, shoulder movement, or breath holding.

What are Bandhas?
During Pranayama exercises, the instructor will refer to 3 breath-system lock points or Bandhas – throat, diaphragm, and pelvic floor. For each, there are different terms you may hear, depending on the instructor and studio.  The throat is also referred to as the upper or Jalandhara Bandha, the diaphragm is also the middle, or Uddiyana Bandha, and the pelvic floor is referred to as the lower, root lock, or Mula Bandha.

The Elements and Breathing

Each of the five elements has associated pranayama exercises which combine breathing focus with movement. At Enso Center, our instructors may include either primary elemental focus pranayama (one per element) or secondary elemental focus pranayama ( three per element) during class. Often the 1st exercise is repeated at the end to complete the cycle.

All of the pranayama exercises can be performed standing or sitting.

Enso Center Elemental Yoga Program

Primary Breathing Exercises

Secondary Breathing Exercises